(PhD in Mathematics, Courant Institute 1994)
Marcus Sarkis, Professor
Sciences Department
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
Telephone: (508) 831-5287
Fax: (508) 831-5824
E-mail: msarkis at wpi dot edu
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Brown Bag
Recent Research Interests
My most uptaded publications: from Google Scholar
until 2017
Numerical analysis
Domain decomposition for PDEs
Immersed boundary Methods and CutFEM and IIM
Finite element methods (FEM)
Dynamic fracture propagation
Multiscale FEM, DG, HDG and FV
Parallelization in space and time (parareal)
Solvers for optimal control
Multiphase flow, multiphysics coupling and petroleum applications
Inverse scattering and Helmholtz solvers
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